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My Expectations



So much of what we do in Science/STEM class is hands-on learning. We do a number of scientific inquiry and or engineering and design group projects that are not easily made up if a student is absent. Therefore, attendance is incredibly important. 


Project Lead the Way

I will be using Project Lead the Way curriculum to supplement my lessons. Project Lead the Way provides transformative learning experiences and hands-on STEM courses. Each unit will have a Project Lead the Way component to it. At the end of each Unit will be a large Engineering and Design Process STEM build. These modules are incredibly engaging and hands-on. 



Science will be graded this year. Grades will be made up of daily grades, STEM projects, and tests. Please make sure your child reviews their material regularly. The material will be posted on SeeSaw and Google classroom for easy access at home. 


Grading Scale

90-100- A

80-89- B

70-79- C

60-69- D

60 and below- F


Photo 1.jfif


I will be working closely with your child's homeroom teacher to monitor and enforce behavior. I plan to use a ticket system where students can earn small rewards. I will also use SeeSaw to communicate any concerns. 

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